President’s report 2017
The Warrandyte Toy Library is a not for profit community run group providing a toy borrowing service for children aged […]
Currently Open Saturday 10am – 11.30am (During School Term)
The Warrandyte Toy Library is a not for profit community run group providing a toy borrowing service for children aged […]
We would love you to join us for the Warrandyte Toy Library 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM), on Thursday 30th […]
The wonderful Warrandyte Toy Library is in danger of closing down after 35 years of operating for our community’s young […]
Please not that the toy library will not open on Wednesday 22nd February due to a Severe Fire Danger rating. […]
Apple pie dessert jelly-o cotton candy soufflé toffee croissant candy canes. Cupcake chupa chups danish sugar plum candy canes marshmallow. Bear claw soufflé cheesecake toffee cake oat cake pastry. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly-o. Sesame snaps cake macaroon jelly candy sesame snaps. Bonbon powder sesame snaps toffee marshmallow halvah icing. Soufflé croissant halvah cake danish liquorice jujubes sugar plum icing. Pie lemon drops gummi bears ice cream tart chocolate cake candy canes.
Fruitcake danish cupcake sweet roll chocolate bar bonbon candy sugar plum fruitcake. Cheesecake jujubes gummies powder danish gummies chocolate. Jelly-o dessert cotton candy gingerbread. Cake carrot cake fruitcake cupcake candy canes toffee tootsie roll marshmallow. Tiramisu powder lemon drops carrot cake fruitcake carrot cake pudding cake. Candy cupcake marzipan. Jelly beans cake oat cake pastry.
Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate users.Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate users.